Lens - magnifying glass is an accessibility program for nearsighed people, users who have problems reading small fonts, or web designers who need to examine fine details of their graphics. The program provides a large magnifying glass with simple buttons to zoom-in and zoom-out the area of the magnifying lens. The glass is moved around the screen by your clicking on it with your left mouse button and dragging it holding the mouse button pressed. There are also some additional buttons to minimize and close the application (the program can be minimized to taskbar, but it doesn't allow you to minimize it to the system tray).
You will find several interesting skins that will change the look and size of the lens; you can even change skins on the fly without having to restart the program. The program has keyboard shortcuts that enable you to perform most frequent tasks: zoom-in, zoom-out, change the current skin, open help and others. You can jump directly to the maximum or minimum possible zoom level using the right-click context menu. The program has seven zoom levels in total. However, the larger degree of magnification you choose, the less visual quality you will get, as the program uses digital zooming technique for enlarging images.